A website is a powerful tool
Every business needs a website
So why do so many businesses ignore their websites?
Unfortunately there are a number of businesses out there that have a website, but they ignore them once launched. A website is, or can be your most productive and loyal employee.
But … would you hire a fresh, eager employee, put them in a cubicle and ignore them for the rest of their career?
Granted, years ago, (like 1999) you could publish a website which was essentially a online colour brochure and it would do the job. However in today’s competitive online world, you just can’t do that anymore.
Back in 1999, you might have only competed against 1 or 2 local competitors who may or may not have had a website. A customer may have seen your website address on a business card or seen a link in an email. They could browse your site, maybe print a PDF version of something and decide whether or not to buy your product or service.
Today, you are now competing with the world, even competing with your possible suppliers.
You wouldn’t stand for an employee who hasn’t learned anything new in the last year, made any new connections or hasn’t changed their style of clothes. Why is it okay for your website to sit stagnant with no updates?
A properly nurtured website is your best sales person, best admin person, best resource a company has. It works 24/7/365 and doesn’t call in sick, call their mom on the phone, take selfies or lose your messages or payments.
So if you have a website and haven’t updated it in the last 6 months, year or longer …
why have it?
You are only telling your audience that nothing new is happening at your business or that you don’t care to update it.