Social Media for Business

The Pros and Cons of Social Media

An overview of Social Media

Like it or hate it social media is not going away

Social media isn’t a fad or trend. It can help your business and it can hurt your business.

Worldwide there are over 200 social media platforms. Some are used worldwide while others are used in specific countries and locations. Some are very specific to their use and others are broad.
Social media marketing includes a myriad of potential social media sites. A vast array of ways to engage, and a medley of styles for each platform. It’s more than Facebook. You need to figure out which social media platforms are right for your business.
Then, you need to develop a social media strategy. optimal messages, posting frequency, cost of social media management and integration. Combining your strategy with other marketing channels.

With all of the social media options, there are 5 main ones.

The choice of social media platform is definitely an important one. If you choose one that plays to the strengths and talents of your business, you’ll quickly see just how valuable social media can be. Carefully examine what each platform has to offer, and you’re sure to make the right choice that will benefit your company for years to come.

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Facebook is the largest social networking site in the world and one of the most used. Facebook is also the first social media platform to surpassed 1 billion user accounts.

But … Facebook needs to be used properly and you need a plan / strategy. Just posting when you feel like it, posting ….


  • As the most popular and largest network having a Facebook page you are putting your product or services in front of a large audience
  • Facebook offers some handy tools to help you track your fans and review statistics
  • You can post videos, photos and links to other website AND YOUR OWN WEBSITE (the most important link)


  • Facebook is best suited for Business to Consumer (B2C). If your business is mainly Business to Business (B2B) Facebook is probably not the best option for you.
  • Because Facebook is so popular and the users are very active, you can quickly fall behind in communicating with users that message you on it.
  • You may not notice, but there are a lot of advertising in the right column of Facebook as well as other Sponsored Posts and Ads in the Facebook feed. If you can drive traffic from your Facebook to your website, then you have their undivided attention.

Facebook is the largest social networking site in the world and one of the most used. Facebook is also the first social media platform to surpassed 1 billion user accounts.



Facebook is the largest social networking site in the world and one of the most used. Facebook is also the first social media platform to surpassed 1 billion user accounts.


If you’re looking for more professional followers, LinkedIn is the way to go. The site helps to build professional relationships and collaborate with experts in the field. LinkedIn also offers great recruitment tools.


LinkedIn definitely has fewer followers than Facebook (only about 50 million), so your reach wouldn’t go as far. There’s also less interaction on the site compared to other networks.

Facebook is the largest social networking site in the world and one of the most used. Facebook is also the first social media platform to surpassed 1 billion user accounts.


YouTube is a wonderful way to interact with fans since videos are more likely to be shared and go viral. Companies can also use the site to shape customer sentiment more effectively than other social sites out there.


While videos can be entertaining and informative, they also need to be of good quality, and good quality usually requires more money and resources. Videos are also time consuming to make, while their overall effect on sales is tough to track.

Facebook is the largest social networking site in the world and one of the most used. Facebook is also the first social media platform to surpassed 1 billion user accounts.


Since all updates are posted in real-time on Twitter, you can send out posts with greater frequency. Twitter also allows for a little more privacy since followers can tweet you without others seeing it. It’s also a great way to respond to customer complaints or questions.


At only 140 characters, Twitter doesn’t give you much room to get a message out to your followers. It’s also easy for users to miss your message since everything is posted on their timeline chronologically.

Instagram lets you add various artistic touches to your photos before sharing them with your friends. Several major companies have taken advantage of Instagram for their marketing campaigns so far, encouraging customers to take photos of them holding or using these brands’ products.


The photo site Instagram simply screams “fun” when engaging with customers. Instagram is very intuitive and easy to use, allowing for a lot of creativity while still providing a good structure for beginners. Instagram also uses hashtags to track conversations similar to Twitter.


Like YouTube, if you don’t have the talent for photos, Instagram probably isn’t the right platform for you. Sharing photos must all be done from mobile devices, and there isn’t much space to describe your company outside of pictures.

What is Pinterest and How Does It Work?

Pinterest is a social network that allows users to visually share new interests by posting images or videos, or what’s called “pinning,” to their own or others’ boards (which are a collection of “pins” with a common theme). They can also discover a new trend, activity, or interest by browsing what other users have pinned.

Using a visual form of communication, the social network is focused on the concept of a person’s lifestyle, allowing you to share your tastes and interests with others and discovering those of like-minded people.


The photo site Instagram simply screams “fun” when engaging with customers. Instagram is very intuitive and easy to use, allowing for a lot of creativity while still providing a good structure for beginners. Instagram also uses hashtags to track conversations similar to Twitter.


Like YouTube, if you don’t have the talent for photos, Instagram probably isn’t the right platform for you. Sharing photos must all be done from mobile devices, and there isn’t much space to describe your company outside of pictures.

Video Sharing

  • Vimeo

Live Streaming

  • Vimeo


  • Vimeo


  • Vimeo

Social News

  • Reddit
  • Digg
  • Deliviouse

Photo Sharing

  • Flickr


  • Yelp
  • TripAdvisor

Social News

  • Reddit
  • Digg
  • Deliviouse

Photo Sharing

  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • Flickr
  • Tumblr
  • deviantART
  • Path
  • PhotoBucket
  • Mobli
  • Panoramio